Monday, December 28, 2009

Only nine of Super Junior will perform at SBS Gayo Dae Jeon: Still 13elieve in super Junior

2009 maybe is the bad year for SM entertainment and its artists. After we were surprised by the issue about the law suit between DBSK and SME in early this year, then it became true after the disbanding of the members (the case still going on, and we hope the best for both) . The problem continued with Kanging Super Junior. This time due to an incident that occurred several months ago at a night club in Seoul (a fight that he involved in), followed by hit-and-run incident (Kang was under alcohol affect) forced him to vacuum from all activities until next year, including super show II, which will lead to some countries. And now, in the end of this year Kangin’s fellow member, Hankyung sued SME about the contract. The slave contract which identical with SME is the main reason. We all know from some sources and news that SME artists are really tired with the tight schedule, they even hospitalized because of it (Leeteuk and Taeyon SNSD). Maybe Hankyung can not stand with the ‘crazy’ schedule that he has to meet at least 9 years more. Han just want SME revise the contract, to cut off the years. He just wants fresh air, time to lie down. Han is really tired.
Media reveals that not only Han who take the legal action toward SME, but his fellow members Leeteuk, Yesung and Donghae do the same thing. Of course, the news made ELF worry. But, the three members finally clarified that that was not true. Due to this case, SUJU M, which actually is in the promos in China, is disbanding for a moment. This reality certainly contrast with ELF expectation. After Kangin’s case, ELF hoped that for the end of the year performance, Super Junior can perform with complete members. But now, no Kangin, no Kibum, and no Hankyung. Only 9 of them will perform at SBS Gayo Daejun tonight. We all hope Super Junior will be back in 13 cause we still 13elieve in them.

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