Saturday, January 2, 2010

Japanese Netizens Protests Against Big Bang's victory

As i wrote before, Big Bang went to Japan to receive their award as 'Best New Comer'
at the Japan Record Awards. But Japanese Netizens seemed didnt agree with the judges. They send their protest through Worldwide Arts Show, a popular news blog one day after the award ceremony. They claimed that the judging criteria was flawed, even a remark "A Korean boy group that I haven't even heard of nor seen received the Best Newcomer Award through a shady judging process." The Netizens seemed unhappy because an 'unknown' group from Korea can beat their artist. must be hard for a non-Japanese group like them receive this kind of protest. But for Big Bang, this is the process to reach the top. Remember how hard it was for DBSK to reach to the top? Yeah Big Bang must be tough, and I belive Big Bang can invade Japan someday, like DBSK did. I am a big fan of BigBang and always support them!

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